September 27, 2007
I've been meaning to post...
September 20, 2007
Not so fast!
September 14, 2007

The Five-Second Rule

I don't know. Will I eat the apple? It is still in the plastic bag, once again secure in its captivity. The entire escape attempt lasted less than five seconds, I'm confident of that, but does the Five-Second Rule become the Two-Second Rule in the case of a dirty bus floor? Does it become the Don't Even THINK About Putting That Near Your Mouth rule once the especially filthy under-seat area is involved? Can any amount of washing fix the damage that has been done? Do I have to resort to peeling? Help me out here, folks. What would you do?
September 11, 2007
September 06, 2007
Making my blood boil

September 02, 2007
Scott's Party at Mike and Cheryl's
I took quite a number of photos. Here's one of the better ones:
Our friend John took 1100 photos. Yes, 1100. Here's one of them:
In my defense, John's lens (see below) is much more powerful than the one I was using. But I'll admit that John is an awesome photographer.
The weather was absolutely perfect, especially with the breeze off Lake Ontario. It was that kind of refreshingly cool day that leads one to forget about the necessity of sunscreen. At least, I forgot about it. I didn't wear a hat, either. I did wear sunglasses. You know what I'm getting at. I ended up with this style of sunburn:
Following the air show we all retired to Cheryl and Mike's place. Cheryl's hands were full so I carried her camera, still attached to its tripod, back downstairs. I placed it out of the way in Cheryl and Mike's bedroom. I didn't consider how it would look when the other guests spotted the camera mounted at the foot of the bed. Scott, inebriated though he was, took no time to figure out the camera's self-timer feature.