March 19, 2008

"It's me on four legs."

That's what Scott said about Montana tonight, remarking on the little bugger's attitude. When Montana and his cousin Kody get together, mayhem ensues. They run, they play, they fight, they growl, they compete for treats, they play tug-of-war with toys. Both dogs are more than a little possessive. Earlier this evening, at my parents' house, Montana decided to stake his claim. Kody was resting beneath the table as the humans ate dinner. Montana took advantage of this opportunity and quietly gathered the toys up one by one, placing them in a pile on the carpet. Then.... he peed on them.

I was mortified. I jumped up, apologized and tried to clean up the mess while Scott dealt with Montana. Everyone else shrugged it off and continued eating. Apparently Montana's misdeeds no longer faze them. After all, this is the same dog who once very graphically displayed his dismay at what he must have perceived as the uneven distribution of Milk Bones by sneaking down to my parents' basement and raiding the litter box. We were unsuspectingly eating dinner when Montana returned to the dining room and proudly spat a cat turd on the carpet.

While I don't argue with Scott's assertion that he has the same abundance of attitude as Montana, I do thank my lucky stars that he doesn't express that attitude in the same way.


amelia said...

He's just being a dog...

Calamity Jen said...

You're right. I shouldn't be concerned unless Scott and I end up having kids who behave in the same manner.

Anonymous said...

Whatd'ya expect? This type of behaviour runs in the family like a wooden leg.
My apologies to everyone with a wooden leg, except Heather Mills.

Heather said...

I was thinking exactly that!!! LOL We sooooooooooo need to get together soon!

amelia said...

Wouldn't be good having kids who raided the litter box!!!!

Rob K said...

"I do thank my lucky stars that he doesn't express that attitude in the same way." least for the moment.

Calamity Jen said...

If I ever catch him peeing on the floor, I'm getting a lockable clamp.

Rob K said...

...with an electro-shock button!

Sit, Scott! zzzzzzzzzzzztttt! Now, roll over!

That'll fix his say nothing of his package!

Chris Curtin said...

It is good to be a boy.

Almost every mother of a boy can tell you stories of them peeing on something or dropping trow in the middle of the neighborhood block party and peeing on a bush.

My wife is now horrified of what my 2 year old is going to do ...


Anonymous said...

aren't you back yet?:) someone wants to know what's on the hand.