May 02, 2010

I've just about given up...

...on my lawn, which the dogs have taken from this to this:

...but I'm not quite ready to look into "air raiding."


Cat the Montreal Twin said...

Your dog is almost in exactly the same spot in the before and after photos. Did you do that on purpose?

I have one dog who doesn't like to get her feet wet so if it's wet in the yard (90% of the year between snow and rain) she;ll just hop off the bottom step and go there. Otherwise she runs the perimeter of the yard along the fence and stops at the bottom of the steps.

Calamity Jen said...

Hello Twin!

Ah yes, I remember reading about Annie's aversion to the wet ground -- I was jealous! If my two dogs were even half as particular, we would have far less mud.

Speaking of Annie, I hope that she is feeling better very soon. It's scary when pets stop eating.

Calamity Jen said...

P.S. Yes, I decided to include Montana and his path-avoidance in both photos. You'll practically never find him on the stone pathway.

amelia said...

When we lived in Toronto and had a very small yard with three large dogs, they destroyed our garden in a flash so we decided to go with it rather than try to make them stay off it which just didn't work and had a yard of flagstone (in England it's called crazy paving) and flower beds as you have. It worked well, no mud and everyone was happy.
Just in case you want to see it.

ryssee said...

Bummer dude! It looked so nice before. They probably don't like walking on the stones. Your planters look so pretty though! I want some raised beds like that.
I'm currently attempting to grow grass in the shade. Wish me luck.

Heather said...

Air Raiding!!! LOL I call it that.