July 02, 2007

Sweep before you cook

You all know I can't cook. I can reheat like a fiend, but cooking from scratch? Rarely happens. So when someone presents me with a recipe off the side of a package, a recipe with just three ingredients, and tells me that I can create something like this:

...I'm in!

The three magical ingredients are Pillsbury Refrigerated Crescent Dinner Rolls, a round of Brie cheese and an egg. Preparation is 20 minutes, which is a bit long for someone whose meals are usually ready in "4 1/2 to 5 minutes; let stand in microwave 2 minutes," but this particular delicacy appeared to be worth the wait. I won't bother to list the instructions; you can find them here. What I will do is show you my finished product:

I followed the four instructions to a T, I did. Sadly, "Serve warm" proved to be too vague for me to follow. Nowhere did the recipe instruct me not to let the golden-brown appetizer slip off the spatula into the gap between the oven and the counter, where copious amounts of dog fur hide.

If only I had swept first.


Rob K said...

Maybe you should wear a catcher's mitt when you cook.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, that's so funny!

Once something is on the floor in our house, it can't be eaten either, not unless it can be wiped which your's obviously couldn't!!!!

Heather said...

Or full body armor. hehe (The bit without dog hair looks yummy...gooey but yummy.)

martin dulac said...

Wow, I can barely see a difference between the 2 pictures.
Good job.

Katyola said...

Oh, what a catastrophe! Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Oh the humanity..........